Ozark Mountain Earthworks excavation services include augering holes for piers and posts, trenching for utilities, excavating footing for crawlspaces and basement foundations, installation of retention basins / ponds, and excavating for in-ground swimming pools.
Ozark Mountain Earthworks grading services include access driveways, backfilling and compaction, sub-base for driveways and parking, rough grading, finish grading, and subgrade soil stabilization.
Ozark Mountain Earthworks provides storm water management and drainage solutions that include berms, drainage swales, curtain drains, culvert installation and replacement, drainage ditch clean-out, detention systems, retention ponds, erosion control, and sediment control.
Ozark Mountain Earthworks land management services include brush cutting, land clearing, pasture reclamation, property access clearing, hunting trails, stump grinding and removal, and storm damage clean-up.
Make sure Ozark Mountain Earthworks is one of your first calls to have land cleared, grading for a building pad, excavate for a foundation, auger holes for piers or posts, trench for utilities, place and compact gravel base for a driveway or parking, storm water and erosion control, septic system installation, and much more.
Missouri licensed for Advanced Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS): Septic tanks, aerobic treatment units, pump tanks, dosed systems, gravity systems, low-pressure distribution systems, drip irrigation systems, laterals for soil absorption fields, and wastewater stabilization ponds/lagoons.
Contact Ozark Mountain Earthworks for a free estimate or initial consultation for your excavation, grading, septic system installation, or any other land development project you have at your property.